Code of Conduct

Expectations from Pupils- Code of Conduct

  1. Wear proper School Uniform with pride. Every morning students will be inspected for personal cleanliness and complete uniform. Regular defaulters will be marked down in the school Diary.
  2. Use of foul language and bullying are punishable offences.
  3. Proper records are being maintained in each class, Irregular attendance, neglect of homework and insubordination to the teachers will have an impact on Grades/Anecdotal Records.
  4. The students responsible for damaging and disfiguring the school property will be charged for damaging school property and disciplinary action will be taken.
  5. In order to be exempted from Exams or Games, a medical certificate is required.
  6. Visitors shall not be permitted to meet the students in school nor use the mobile phones.
  7. Pupils should obey House Captains, Vice Captains, Class Monitors on duty. Changing of class-room between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly and disciplined manner.
  8. The pupils must always remember that the school is judged by the discipline and conduct of its students. They should always be disciplined, polite and courteous to their teachers and elders.
  9. Show pride in your school and present a good image especially by behaving yourself when in public and particularly on your way, to and from school.
  10. Speak positive of your school and your teachers.
  11. Cooperate with all staff members.
  12. Show school spirit by participating in school activities.
  13. Be on time for all classes.
  14. Bring textbooks/notebooks for all periods as per daily time-table.
  15. Make full use of the school library. Maintain silence in the library at all times.
  16. Keep your classroom, school and environment clean and tidy.
  17. Mobiles are strictly not allowed. If found, these will be confiscated along with a fine of Rs. 2000/-.
  18. Converse in English with teachers and peers in classroom hours and in campus.
  19. If you come to school in the care of attendants, you should never leave before the attendants arrive. In case of delay, you should report to the school office. Punctuality of attendants will be appreciated.
  20. Pupils using the school transport must heed to the instructions of bus attendant/ conductor for their own safety.
  21. Pupils are not allowed to bring Comics, Periodicals, Pictures, CDs, Pen drive or any such material to school that does not pertain to one’s academics.
  22. Pupils are instructed to carry the School Almanac whenever they are visiting the Medical Room.
  23. No Pupil will be permitted to go home before school closes, without the Principal’s permission.
  24. School organizes special remedial classes during the session for underachiever students. It is compulsory for the students to attend these classes.
  25. Parents are requested to co-operate and plan their vacations accordingly.
  26. I-Card is compulsory. Every student must wear it daily.
  27. Female students are advised to avoid the use of nail paint. Limited ‘Mehndi’ application on special occasions is allowed; however, elaborate designs are discouraged. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a fine of Rs.200/-.
  28. Students are advised not to bring expensive stationery to school.
  29. Leave exceeding three days requires prior sanction from the principal.
  30. Absence on the first and last day of the term is discouraged; written applications are Necessary.