Sports Rules

  1. Students must submit all the necessary documents required for the tournaments.
  2. School provides training for selected games & sports.
  3. Regular attendance is compulsory during trial, training & competitions. If student is irregular, then selection of another student can be done.
  4. If student is participating in any sports tournaments inside & outside school campus such as lntra-school, lnter-school, District, Zone, State, National level or any other, than all expenses such as Stay, TA, DA and registration will be paid by the parents/guardians.
  5. Material required during the training and tournaments will be bought by students such as sports apparels and other items etc.
  6. Student when sick should avoid coming for practice and in case of any specific medical problem the parents/guardian must inform the school.
  7. It is compulsory for all students to come in prescribed sports uniforms.
  8. Selection of the student will be done by the Coach/PTI based on trials. After the trial session, selected students will be trained for games & sports and then final list of students will be declared.
  9. If any student is indiscipline towards other students and staff, then student will be expelled from games & sports and can be suspended from the school.