Vision, Mission & Values


Our vision is to prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling in them critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for core values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance, and compassion. Students will have success for today and be prepared for tomorrow.


To ‘Nurture Excellence, by delivering a student-centric curriculum in a very conducive, caring, and stimulating environment where the learners realize their potential and grow into responsible citizens and global leaders.

Aspire, Empower & Excel‘ being the motto of Unison International School, we encourage students to set high goals, become confident and capable individuals, and strive for excellence in everything they do. This motto can inspire students to reach for their dreams, empower them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, and encourage them to excel in their academic and personal pursuits.


Providing opportunities to each child to explore his/her capabilities & areas of interest. Developing various facets of a child’s personality by providing quality education.
1. Preparing students to face the challenges of life so that they emerge victorious in all situations.
2. Sensitizing the learners towards their societal commitments.
3. To create a reliable and research-based curriculum that synthesizes internationally acclaimed pedagogical practices with India’s rich educational heritage.
4. To build a community of competent and caring educators, with rich and varied experience; reinvigorate them with the latest methods of teaching through continuous professional development programs.
5. To provide state-of-the-art facilities and technologies to optimize learning outcomes.


Student Success

Making decisions and committing resources to attain each student’s success.

Lifelong Learning

Educate and prepare each student for a life of purpose

Respect, Integrity, Trust

Establishing positive relationships based on trust and respect

Honesty and Ethical Behavior

Honoring the values, rights and responsibilities of each individual.

Continuous Quality Improvement

Creating and supporting a collaborative learning climate and culture of continuous improvement.


We strive for excellence in all our academic pursuits.

To raise the potential of each child

We believe in providing all students with a balanced curriculum aligned with quality instruction.

Physical, Intellectual, Moral, Social and Emotional Development

To nurture individuals towards excellence in value-based and progressive learning community.


Embracing the philosophy that each child possesses an unparalleled individuality, our school wholeheartedly fosters every facet of their personality, providing personal attention and care. We inspire students to cultivate habits of curiosity, logical thinking, reflection, mental agility, and self-sufficiency. Through our guidance, students develop a global perspective and a forward-thinking mindset.


Introducing our visionary leaders who are driving the transformation of young minds, moulding them into the future trailblazers with a global outlook.


Meet our team of dedicated professionals who take a proactive approach in creating a secure and impactful learning space, ensuring every child reaches their utmost potential.

Early Years Programme

We foster curiosity and encourage conceptual learning to nurture young minds. We introduce literacy and numeracy in a practical manner, building a strong foundation. Our approach focuses on comprehensive skill development, stamina, and balance. We have a unique curriculum designed for kinaesthetic learning and the development of motor skills.

Primary Level

Our curriculum encompasses a wide range of literacy genres such as prose, poetry, drama, and non-fiction. In mathematics, we emphasise problem-solving, logical reasoning, and analytical skills. Our environment science and social studies curriculum takes students on a journey of exploring the natural world and delving deeper into advanced concepts.

Middle Level

We focus on establishing a solid and student-centred foundation during the primary level of education. We prioritise personality development by nurturing academic knowledge and fostering creative expressions. Group work activities, including Storytime, lecture demonstrations, and large group discussions, form an integral part of the learning process.