Importance of Preschool Education

Unison International, being one of the top CBSE schools in Pinjore, we are sharing with you the importance of pre-schools for young children.

The school encourages social and emotional growth

Kids learn emotional self-control and social skills. Children learn how to manage anger in their frustrating moments. Teachers don’t automatically step in to resolve child’s fights as they know when to let them handle the situation of their own.

The atmosphere is structured

A structured atmosphere helps young children learn to make friends and socialize. The structure of a high-quality preschool classroom is built keeping in mind that there should be no congestion or conflict between the kids and they can happily interact with each other.

Sense of Responsibility

Children are taught how to take care of themselves and others. For example, during group activities, children learn to focus on the teacher, listen while others are speaking, and wait for their turn to talk.

They make their own choices

Kids have various choices of activities so they choose whatever they like. The teachers help a child when he is struggling in making friends.

Develops language and cognitive abilities

Preschool children are nourished in an environment rich in languages. Within the ages of 3 and 5, a child’s vocabulary expands from 900 to 2,500 words, and their sentences become longer and more complicated. Children have several opportunities to sing, read books and, talk out stories.

Teachers Take Care of curiosity

Young children have good imaginations and learn through fancy play. Pre Schools have a number of props, toys for children. It helps a lot in individual growth.

Boost in logical thinking

Young kids show great curiosity in pre-math and pre-literacy skills. To nurture children’s excitement and motivation for learning, high-quality preschools introduce initial literacy and math skills not as separate exercises, but in the connection with activities that are enjoyable and exciting.

Sending your child to pre-school will help him/her in every way. We, at Unison International School, one of the best schools in Pinjore, concentrate mostly on the subject of the overall development of a child.

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