5 Ways to Create a Successful Routine Post Lockdown

Creating a successful routine post lockdown requires a vivid understanding of students’ emotions. Apart from this, educators must also address mental health issues. 

The lethal pandemic has no doubt upended the normal lifestyle. Threats of the vicious covid-19 have forced people to maintain social distancing. As such, schools, colleges, and other educational institutions have shut down. Now, slowly, things are coming back to as it was before the onset of this virus. However, reverting back to those days is simply impossible. All that we can do is make sure that we create a well-developed routine post lockdown.

Different ways to create a reliable routine post lockdown

There are various ways educators can make a successful routine after lockdown. Unison International School the best CBSE School in Pinjore listed five tips that they can consider.

  • Understand the emotions of different students

It is crucial to understand and acknowledge that different students might have faced various losses during the lockdown. As such, educators will find a wide range of emotional responses. Students, especially children, handle things differently. Moreover, the same student can also exhibit different responses every day. It is vital for teachers to acknowledge this situation and take steps to offer appropriate comfort.

  • Give them time to re-adjust

The educational system has changed drastically over the last few months. It means that students have to adjust from going to school every day to sitting at home all day long. Now, if you are again sending them back to school, you need to give them time. You cannot expect them to re-adjust all of a sudden. For that, you need to be patient. 

  • Include exciting activities to engage students

It is natural for students to feel bored or disconnected after coming back to school post lockdown. For this, educators can include interesting activities while teaching the pre-set curriculum. If you can make the students feel relaxed, they will be ready to learn new things again. Moreover, you can also create teams and start some bonding activities between the students. 

  • Re-enforce the safety rules

Going back to school after lockdown doesn’t mean that all the safety rules don’t exist anymore. The pandemic, no matter how low, is still here. The students must maintain healthy hygiene along with other safety regulations. Apart from this, the educators must also stress the importance of following the rules.

  • Motivate students to enjoy studying

Staying at home and studying at odd hours have changed the system of the students. Here, teachers must offer motivation and encouragement to the students to start studying once again. It is vital to understand that students might express disinterest or boredom while the educator teaches. However, the teacher must take that in stride and offer words of motivation instead of punishing the students. It will ultimately help the students to re-concentrate on studies. 

These are the five ways that you can create a successful routine post lockdown. It is essential to understand that different students have different emotional capacities. Moreover, you also need to address traumas and anxiety issues before they become even more solidified. Unison International School, the best play way school in Pinjore, tries to make sure that our students feel safe in the classroom. 

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