Positive Punishment : Benefits and Tips

When it comes to disciplining children, parents may face several challenges in the process. Sometimes, they find it difficult to maintain a proper balance between understanding and authority. But fortunately, parents can provide proper structure and guidance to the children by following several positive strategies. One such strategy is positive punishment.

The term positive punishment is a term that refers to the behavior modification method which is mainly designed to decrease the unfavorable outcomes of undesired behaviors such as scolding, nagging, physical punishment, etc. Simply put, positive punishment is all about practicing desirable actions that are capable enough to reinforce acceptable behaviors.

Positive punishment is an effective tool when it comes to influencing your child’s behavior. Now, look at some positive punishment methods that you can try with your children:

  • Writing an Apology: Writing is an effective positive punishment technique mainly used in schools. But, parents can also make use of it at home when they need to punish their children.
  • Assign Extra Work: You can assign extra homework to your child. It can be an essay or an extra page of math problems for not following instructions or misbehaving.
  • Take Away That Is Special to Your Child: One of the best examples of positive punishment is taking away something very special to your child for a few days. It can be your child’s favorite toy, candy, or favorite cartoon show, or anything else.
  • Giving Household Chores: Punishing the child by giving extra tasks to your child can help them prevent the behavior from happening again. For instance, you can add more chores to your teenager who failed to get home on time.

There are multiple benefits of positive punishment. After all, positive punishment creates a model for how a person should behave in a given environment. Unlike negative punishments like slapping, spanking, or verbal aggression, positive punishment does not cause inner frustration, fear, or resentfulness in children resulting in producing emotionally stable individuals.

So, there is no denying the fact that administering positive punishment is important for teaching a valuable lesson to your child. That is why Unison International School, one of the top CBSE international school in Pinjore enables children to understand that his/her behavior is unacceptable in a given environment in the most positive manner. So, it can be concluded by saying that rather than losing their temper, parents need to utilize positive punishment techniques to get a better result.

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