Five Effective Ways to Teach Self-Discipline to a Child

When it comes to parenting, fostering a child’s self-discipline is considered one of the most challenging tasks. It is because self-discipline cultivates the sense of controlling impulses, preferences, desires, or emotions in a child. So, it is obvious that self-discipline is a critical skill that a child must learn. But sometimes parents find it difficult to help their children learn self-discipline. 

Though there are several self-discipline techniques to help children foster this specific skill, make sure you find what will work with your kids. Unison International School, one of the best CBSE schools in Pinjore focuses on developing necessary behavioural skills for their students such as self-discipline, and also encourages the parents to do so with their children.

Effective Tips to Teach Your Child Self-Discipline:

Now look at the list of true discipline techniques that you can practice to help your child learn self-discipline:

  • Make it a Practice: By setting a routine for your child, you can make your child more focused on their day-to-day activities and feel secure. For instance, you can have them wake up at the same time in the morning every day. Thus your child will get used to it. In this way, you can in several necessary behaviours in your child. 
  • Explain Everything: While setting any rule for your child, make sure you explain to your child why it is to be followed and the consequences that he/she might face for not following it. Thus, you can naturally develop self-discipline in your child. For instance, explain to your child why he/she should take healthy foods over taking junk foods. 
  • Set Realistic Goals: Allow your child to learn things on their own by setting a realistic goal for them. You can offer them a reward to encourage them to do things. For instance, keeping the books in their bag by maintaining the timetable, tying their shoe laces, etc.
  • Model Good Behavior: Children imitate the behaviour of the others around them mainly their parents. So, make sure you behave appropriately for your child to observe and model. For instance, you never tell a lie to others in front of your child.


To conclude, when it comes to disciplining your child, it is important to discipline him first. Secondly, make sure you begin the process of disciplining your child from a very early age so that you can see your child growing like a self-responsible individual with their age as suggested by Unison International School, the top CBSE school in Pinjore.

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